Homepage of Yilin Yang
About me
I am a recent graduate with a Master’s degree in Computer Science from the University of British Columbia. I was cosupervised by Profoessor Mijung Park and Professor Xiaoxiao Li
I am currently an Applied Machine Learning Intern at Vector Institue, where I work on the project FL4Health, my supervisor is David Emerson. My responsibilities include deploying SOTA Federated Learning methods and conducting research on new FL methods.
Research Interests
My research focuses on safe and responsible AI:
- Statistical and Machine learning:
- Federated Learning
- Differential Privacy
- Artificial Intelligence
- LLM deployment (RAG, finetuning, agents, prompt engineering etc.)
- Reinforcement Learning
GaSP R Package
William J. Welch and Yilin Yang (2022). GaSP: Train and Apply a Gaussian Stochastic Process Model. R package version 1.0.4. https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=GaSP
Yilin Yang, Kamil Adamczewski, Danica J. Sutherland, Xiaoxiao Li, & Mijung Park. (2023). Differentially Private Neural Tangent Kernels for Privacy-Preserving Data Generation